Report Absence

Main: 0151 477 8740

Admissions: 0151 477 8753

Headteacher: Mr T. McGuinness


Macmillan Appeal Cancer Research

Macmillan Appeal Cancer Research

We are delighted to announce that All Saints raised £1,218.42 for the Macmillan Cancer Charity. There was a variety of events including staff/student bake-offs, sponsored silences and Mr Dearing had his head shaved, which caused our students much amusement!

Blood Brothers Trip

Blood Brothers Trip

270 GCSE students from All Saints recently attended performances of Blood Brothers at the Liverpool Empire theatre. This play is a set text for GCSE English Literature and we enjoyed the opportunity to have an afternoon out and prepare for examinations in a most enjoyable way. Our students were, once again, a credit to our community. One student commented, “It makes so much more sense when you see it on the stage”, and another added, “I had a really good time. It was fun”. Staff members, who accompanied our students, commented on how much they enjoyed a great performance, in wonderful company.

September Start Information

September Start Information

Detailed below are the start times for each year group. All pupils will assemble in the atrium at the appropriate time. Following an address by Mr McGuinness, they will go to their tutorial base where they will be given their timetable, and school routines will be outlined.

Monday 5th September - Inset Day

Tuesday 6th September

  • Year 7 > 9:00 - 12:00
  • Year 8 > 9:30 - 12:00
  • Year 9 > 12:30 - 3:00
  • Year 10 > 1:00 - 3:00
  • Year 11 > 1:00 - 3:00
  • Year 12/13 > 1:30 - 3:00

Wednesday 7th September - Normal school Day

Thursday 8th September - Normal school day

Friday 9th September - Inset day (Year 7 on induction day - 8:50am - 3:00pm)

Easter School Information - 2016

Easter School Information - 2016

Would pupils and parents please refer to the letter sent by post as to which classes Year 11 pupils should attend over the Easter break.

Morning classes will begin at 9:30am & afternoon sessions at 12:30pm until 2:30pm. Please be on time.

Please see this timetable below for information about specific subjects.

Ofsted Monitoring Visit

Ofsted Monitoring Visit

Ofsted will be visiting school on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd March to complete the 4th monitoring visit.