Report Absence

Main: 0151 477 8740

Admissions: 0151 477 8753

Headteacher: Mr T. McGuinness


High standards of personal appearance and dress are encouraged. A pupil in full school uniform not only gives a child a sense of identity with the school, but also improves their self-esteem and confidence.

Co-operation and firm guidance from parents is needed to ensure that pupils attend school properly dressed. Jewellery or make-up must not be worn and extremes in hair fashion and hats should be avoided. The clothing required is listed below and may be obtained from Kids Kirkby or Liverprint.

Uniform (Years 7 to 11)

  • Blazer (see images)
  • V-neck, navy blue pullover with school crest
  • Pale blue shirt (Years 7 and 8 - a short sleeved shirt may be worn in Summer)
  • White shirt (Years 9, 10 and 11 - a short sleeved shirt may be worn in Summer)
  • School tie with crest
  • Black trousers/navy knife pleat skirt
  • Black/navy socks
  • Black polishable shoes

Blazers are compulsory but a waterproof coat may be worn if required, which should be dark coloured. Hooded tops are not allowed.

Sixth Form

White shirt, school tie, black trousers/black skirt, black school jumper and black polishable shoes.

PE Kit:

PE Kit consists of: T-shirt, shorts/skort, socks, training top – (optional), trainers, appropriate footwear for use on 4G pitch, e.g. astro turf trainers and moulded stud boots, will also be necessary at times during the year, as will shin pads. Plain black/navy leggings/tracksuit bottoms are also acceptable. On PE days students are required to wear PE kits to school with blazers

All Year 7 pupils will take part in swimming lessons at Kirkby Leisure Centre and will need a costume and towel for these lessons. Goggles and a swimming cap for those with long hair are also recommended. These are compulsory lessons so everyone must take part. They are with qualified swimming instructors who teach all levels of ability so any pupils who are not confident swimmers will be accommodated.

Please note these types of shoes are: