At All Saints Catholic High School, we are very aware of the relationship between good attendance, effective learning, and good academic progress. Research has demonstrated that the higher the attendance of a student, the higher their GCSE grades are at the end of Year 11.
Attendance above 95% every year in school equals one grade difference across all GCSE grades and increases the chances of students achieving a grade 4 or higher in English and Maths.
We expect all our students to aim for 100% attendance as we know that students with high aspirations and attendance go on to achieve better outcomes and live healthier, wealthier, and more enriched lives.
Students with less than 95% attendance are less likely to achieve those important GCSE grades. Additionally, setting high expectations is also useful preparation for each student's life beyond school and the important skill of reliability which all settings require.
Reporting Absence
Please telephone the school prior to the start of the first day of absence. Choose the correct extension, listed above, for your child's Year Group. You may have to leave a message on the answer phone – make sure that you state the:
- Name of your child
- Your child's form
- Reason for absence
- Anticipated length of absence (including the possible date of return)
- Your relationship (ie. mother, father, guardian etc.)
The following list provides the names and contact details of the Progress Leaders/Assistant Progress Leaders for each year group. Please ring the main school number 0151 477 8740 and then key in the extension you require:
- Year 7 - Mrs Glover: 2027
- Year 8 - Miss Winstanley: 2025
- Year 9 - Mr Emmett: 2037
- Year 10 - Miss Reason: 2750
- Year 11 - Mrs Rooney: 2764
- Sixth Form - Mrs Riley: 2767
Safeguarding is an area at which we excel at All Saints and this is complimented by the support from our parents and the communication that we have when your child is off school.
If a student does not attend school or is not taking part in an approved educational activity, they are classed as ABSENT from school. This means that if your child is off school for any reason, even if they are ill or have medical permission to be off school, they are classed as ABSENT.
We do appreciate that children are unwell on occasions and there can be exceptional circumstances for absence. But, please think carefully before keeping your child off school as missing days for minor illnesses has a negative impact on your child's progress. Missing lessons leaves students vulnerable to falling behind, creating gaps in their learning and lowering their self-confidence.
It is vital that you keep us informed if your contact details change.
How can you help?
- Promote positive and healthy attendance patterns with your child and set good bedtime and morning routines.
- Ensure your child attends every day, on time, equipped and ready to learn.
- Ensure school has at least 2 up to date addresses and contact numbers.
- Contact school on the first day of absence by 8:00am to provide a reason for absence.
- Contact the school each day of absence until your child returns.
- If contact is not made the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. The school is responsible for deciding if the absence is acceptable or not.
- Ensure medical appointments are made outside of school time. If this is not possible, your child needs to be in school prior to and after the appointment. We will need medical evidence upon their return.
- Holiday requests during term time will NOT be authorised due to the significant impact on progress. Parents/carers who take their children out of school for a holiday may be issued with a Penalty Notice.
- Contact school if you are experiencing difficulty getting your child to attend school.
- Work with the school and any other agencies of support to resolve any difficulties that may affect regular school attendance.
By having attendance on or above 97% as well as meeting other school expectations, your child will qualify for a range of rewards during each half term. This will include, but is not limited to; individual/ group/year group rewards, and each term, there will be an opportunity to qualify for an attendance reward activity.
Attendance Support Team
We have a dedicated team of staff at All Saints who work on Attendance; the Attendance Manager, Attendance Officer, Mentors, Progress Leaders and Assistant Progress Leaders, who scrutinise our attendance data daily and work closely with Knowsley School Attendance Service.
As you would expect, we have very high standards and are committed to all our students making maximum progress. The Attendance staff are always happy to offer advice and support to students, parents and families on effective strategies for maximising attendance. If you would like more details please do not hesitate to contact School.