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Coronavirus Update

by Rob Welsh main Main News

Coronavirus Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you will be aware the Government has announced this evening that schools will close at the end of the day on Friday 20th March. This applies to all students except those whose parents are ‘keyworkers’ e.g. NHS, police or delivery workers who need to go to work and vulnerable children.

As an immediate priority it is necessary for us to gauge information about the employment of our parents/carers in order for us to identify keyworker families so we can make contact regarding educational provision.

If you feel you meet the criteria of a keyworker, I would be grateful if you could complete a short survey providing the following information. Name and year group of your child/ren who attend our school The job title and current employer of each parent/carer in the household Preferred contact number.

I would be grateful if you could respond before 4pm today. Once it has been received, we will make contact with all families who fall into the keyworker category.

The link to this survey can be found here:

If you are unable to complete the survey online, please call into the school office to complete a hard copy by 4pm today. Further information regarding school closure will be updated tomorrow.

If you need to contact school direct please email

Yours sincerely

Mrs M O’Neill


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